Stone carving machine: modern 'wordless tombstone'
Source:本站Time:2017/5/2 17:42:56

 & nbsp; Recently, it was discovered in Taiyuan, Shanxi that some luxury tombs do not have names engraved on their tombstones. 'Officials' are afraid to let others know, so their names are not engraved anymore.'.A luxurious cemetery is a "psychological engineering" for those who believe in feng shui. It seems that choosing a feng shui treasure land can bring blessings to future generations, increase wealth and fortune; It is another "face saving project" that showcases one's status and identity. It seems that the more luxurious and magnificent a cemetery is, the more attention it can attract and it is worth commemorating.

  & nbsp;   However, as a national cadre who serves the people and selflessly dedicates himself, one should have seen clearly the essence of luxury cemeteries and should not hold too much obsession with a cemetery, but instead staged a farce of "having money to repair a luxurious tomb, but having no courage to leave a name". Through this farce, people cannot help but wonder what psychology this official had behind setting up the "wordless tombstone", whether the luxurious cemetery's "wordless tombstone" carries the broad-minded sentiment of "right and wrong, to be left to future generations to say" or the guilty conscience behind "there is no silver in this place".

  & nbsp;   In fact, China has already introduced relevant policies and regulations on the management of funeral land. According to the Regulations on Funeral Management of the State Council, it is necessary to save funeral land and eliminate funeral customs; Strictly limit the land area of cemetery tombs. The Ministry of Civil Affairs' explanation on implementing several specific issues in the "Regulations on Funeral Management" stipulates that the area of a single or double person joint burial tomb for burying ashes shall not exceed 1 square meter.

  & nbsp;   The construction of luxurious tombs by officials is clearly contrary to the "Regulations on Funeral Management", openly challenging the authority of national laws and regulations regardless of their own identity and image. This is a psychological manifestation of officials wanting to maintain their reputation and be high-profile and luxurious; However, the luxury cemetery is incompatible with one's income, and they have to quietly erect a "wordless monument" out of fear of accidents, exposing their contradictory psychology.

  & nbsp;   Behind the contradictory psychology, we should also see that officials pursuing luxurious tombs is not only a moral bad habit, but also a reflection of the inadequate implementation of the national "Funeral Management Regulations"; Not only is it a manifestation of the bad work style of officials, but it also means that strengthening the construction of the work style of party members and cadres is still a long way to go; Officials can afford "luxury tombs" worth tens of thousands or even millions of yuan, but the corruption hidden behind them cannot remain indifferent just because the tombstone has no words.

  & nbsp;   At a time when the general public is complaining about "not being able to afford to die", they hope that the farce of officials "having the money to repair luxury tombs but the courage to leave their names" will no longer be staged. At the same time, relevant government departments should increase their supervision and management of the construction of "luxury tombs", so that the land resources excessively occupied by these "luxury tombs" can be fully utilized, and the waste of land resources caused by funerals can be reduced.

  & nbsp;   Stone carving machine manufacturers remind that officials should still benefit the people. When the time comes, the people will naturally make contributions and establish a monument of virtue for you. This wordless monument not only brings shame to oneself, but also tarnishes the face of future generations.

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