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How to improve the stability of CNC system for woodworking carving machine

Source: Time:2019-09-10 14:49:22 views:

How to improve the stability of CNC system for woodworking carving machine
Keywords: How to improve the stability of CNC system for woodworking carving machine
The stability of the CNC system of a woodworking carving machine is crucial. If the control system of the woodworking carving machine is unstable, such as in summer due to internal heating of the CNC system, or due to damage to the fan or hard drive, causing the CNC system to fail to work, the enterprise needs to stop production for a week and wait for replacement or repair of the system. This is a serious loss for both the enterprise and the manufacturer. Based on years of practical operation experience, Shenhua Woodworking Carving Machine has summarized the following effective measures, hoping to gain reference and inspiration from users! Unstable factors include:;
1. Software interpolation operation and Windows system. Windows system is not a real-time operating system, suitable for office automation, but not for industrial real-time CNC control, especially when the CNC system uses software for cutting interpolation operation. Once the operator performs acceleration and deceleration operations at the cutting inflection point, it will immediately cause the cutting process to be interrupted& nbsp;
2. High frequency CPU has a large heat dissipation and requires the use of a fan, which often causes overheating of the CNC system in summer& nbsp;
3. Civil fans operate in harsh industrial environments such as dust and high temperatures, which inevitably lead to wear and aging, and have a very limited service life. Once the fan is damaged, it will inevitably lead to damage to the CPU and motherboard& nbsp;
4. Civilian large hard drives with mechanical rotating media can generate heat due to high-speed rotation, cause damage to the hard drive due to vibration, and are prone to virus infection, resulting in high instability. The above are all factors that cause instability in CNC systems. How to overcome these unstable factors? Weihong provides you with the following suggestions:;
1. Hardware axis card interpolation operation replaces software interpolation operation with hardware axis card interpolation operation, allowing interpolation operation to be carried out on the bottom layer of the computer, namely the axis card, without using Windows system or high frequency CPU& nbsp;
2. The DOS operating system uses a single task single process DOS operating system to achieve real-time CNC cutting through hardware motion control axis cards, avoiding cutting interruptions and crashes caused by Windows multitasking and multi process. It also replaces manual cutting methods with the "one click" automatic cutting process of the Weihong CNC system& nbsp;
3. Fan free, low-power, industrial grade CPU. Using a low-power CPU without a fan not only reduces CPU heat generation but also eliminates fan instability, effectively improving the stability of the CNC system.